About Us


To create different marketing channels for the micro enterprises, rural producers to develop sustainable livelihood through adopting appropriate rural technology, product development & diversification with accepted designs, packaging, certification, branding activities etc, Government in Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Department has created “Odisha Rural Development and Marketing Society (ORMAS)” on 14th January 1991and registered under Societies Registration Act-1860, it has been rendering yeomen services in livelihood promotion and rural product marketing in Odisha. ORMAS and DSMSs have been successfully operating since last 25 years for establishment of a strong marketing network for rural produces.

The Road Ahead

With changing scenario on Government’s strategies for development program implementation which is based on sustainability of these program and as a process capacitating /involving the grass root institutions/civil societies and having equity and transparency at all levels, ORMAS is being positioned to be working in partnership and as an apex body for knowledge creation, flow and adaptation for creating economic opportunities.

ORMAS has already imbibed a role of facilitator rather than implementer and work in partnerships with other institutions/agencies for sustainability of the initiatives which it started long back. While there has been change in ORMAS’s role, at the same time the role of all partners are being evolved. ORMAS keep on working more at a systemic level.

The Approach

ORMAS being a Knowledge Based Agency on its evidence on field level interventions, would like to take up the experiences on successful models on enterprises to a next level of intervention with partnership at state, districts and grass root levels.

A) State Level : Knowledge Accumulation/Creation:

Partnership at this level besides relevant Ministries and their agencies, would be with Research Organizations, Apex Training institutes, Academician (Universities, Academic institutes), Media (both print and electronics), Business Apex bodies (Chamber of Commerce, Traders association, Export bodies, etc.), Banks & Capital/Investment Agencies, Consumers Forum, etc.

Documentation of Best Practices

Research & Development

Innovation ( technology & best practices)

Institution Building/Strengthening

Knowledge portal

Linkages (market, finance, insurance, etc.)

Standardization & Certification, Packaging solutions

Resource Mobilization & Donor Relations

B) District Level : Knowledge Flow:

Partnership at this level would be with women affairs, agriculture, skill development and vocational training, district level training institutes Vocational training centres, Women Business Association, Traders Associations, NGOs/ INGOs, Wholesale Input suppliers, Banks, etc.

Strengthening District level partners/support agencies (R&D, Training Institutes, CoC, Traders associations, etc.) besides relevant Government departments

ToTs to Master trainers-to create a band of Service providers( BDSPs, Extension workers, NGO personnel, Lead farmers, Input Suppliers-cum-service providers)

Creation of transit linkages and feedback system from micro to macro level and vice-versa

Support establishment of market infrastructure /resource centres/training institutes/Vocational Training/prototypes

Innovation for developing Women Entrepreneurs

Market linkages through exhibitions & trade fairs in collaboration with CoC& Traders/Business association

Women Resource Centre (WRC)- collaboration with Ministry /Department of Women Affairs/ Women Markets/ Bazzar, etc.

C) Village Level : Knowledge in Practice/Utilization:

Partnership at this level would be with Value Chain based Associations, IPs (Implementing Partners), FPs (Facilitating Partners), MFIs, Banks, Private sectors, CBOs & Civil Societies, NGOs, Association of Service Providers, etc.

Partners /IPs (implementing partners Capacity Building

Support Implementing Partners’ plan - their program and budget & M&E system

Training to Community based service providers/extension workers

Piloting/demonstration on technologies and practices

Support link with MFIs/banks – models to be developed and practiced

Support Market linkages through Buyers-Sellers meet, Village Market fairs

Technology/Practice Innovation- Innovators support

Resource Mobilization & Donor Relations